Latest Bali Infrastructure Projects to Grow Bali Tourism Industry

img Adiel Bukitvista | June 16, 2024

Hey there, it’s Adiel! I’m thrilled to share my insights on the latest infrastructure projects in Bali. Having spent countless hours studying the rental market and tourism industry during my time at Bukit Vista, I’ve researched a lot about what drives property investors and tourists to this beautiful part of the world. So, grab a cup of tea and join me as we explore the latest infrastructure projects in Bali.

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Bali infrastructure project to improve tourism development

Bali has always been a popular tourist destination due to its beautiful beaches, lush forests, and rich cultural heritage. However, in recent years, the island has seen significant infrastructure development to cater to the growing number of visitors. From new airports to highways and bridges, the government of Bali has been working to improve the island’s transportation and tourism infrastructure. These developments have created opportunities for potential investors and developers looking to invest in Bali’s real estate market.

Paramount Bali Theme Park: Nurturing Global Aspirations in the Entertainment Industry

The forthcoming Paramount Bali Theme Park transcends the conventional notion of a mere amusement destination, embodying Bali’s aspirations to emerge as a global tourism hub. Through a pioneering collaboration between entertainment giant Paramount Pictures and PT Kios Rekreasi, this ambitious project is poised to redefine entertainment and leisure experiences in the Jembrana region.

Spanning an expansive 100 hectares of land, the park is expected not only to create a significant number of jobs, engaging approximately 20,000 local and international workers during its construction, but also to hold broader implications beyond economic contributions. Notably, it seeks to capture the attention of 80% of foreign tourists visiting Bali, thereby enhancing the island’s tourism landscape with a diverse array of offerings.

Paramount’s Bali theme park
An artist’s impression of the planned Bali Paramount Pictures Theme Park; Source : Paramount

Bali received Rp800 billion (US$51.2 million) in infrastructure development and improvements

According to Governor I Wayan Koster, Bali received Rp800 billion (US$51.2 million) from the central government for infrastructure development and improvements as the host of the G20 Summit (Antaranews). The funds were utilized to develop several facilities, including the I Gusti Ngurah Rai VVIP Terminal and mangrove nursery at the Ngurah Rai Forest Park.

In addition, the I Gusti Ngurah Rai Statue in Tuban, Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park, Bali Mandara toll road, road expansion, and pedestrian lane development in various regions were beautified and improved for the summit. These developments are not only beneficial for the G20 Summit but also for Bali as a global tourist destination, said the governor.

g20 sign
Photo Source : reuters

Development of Bali Maritime Tourism Hub (BMTH)

PT Pelindo Indonesia (Persero) is developing a tourism industrial area in Benoa Harbor, Denpasar, Bali. The development of the area since 2019 has been named the Bali Maritime Tourism Hub, which is one of the national strategic projects stipulated under Presidential Regulation No. 109 of 2020 concerning the Acceleration of Implementation of National Strategic Projects.

Pelindo Group Head Corporate Secretary Ali Mulyono said that currently Benoa has a fishing port, liquid bulk and liquefied natural gas terminals, a special marina for yachts, as well as a pier and terminal for cruise passengers or tour boats. This will further popularize Bali as a world tourist destination and shows Indonesia as a reliable maritime country.

bali maritime tourism hub
Photo Source :

Construction of toll roads for easier transportation

Another significant infrastructure development in Bali over the years is the Bali Mandara toll road connecting Benoa and Nusa Dua. The toll road has improved accessibility to popular tourist destinations and has reduced travel time for locals and tourists.

Moreover, In early February 2023, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated the Mengwitani-Singaraja shortcut. The construction of the shortcut road linking Mengwi to Singaraja is urgently needed because previously the road conditions were narrow and winding, The Mengwitani-Singaraja City Boundary National Road is the Bali Island Route that connects South Bali with North Bali.  The construction of this shortcut is important to create equitable development through the development of the North Bali region, especially in the tourism sector.

As such, the construction of these infrastructure developments has opened up new opportunities for potential investors and developers looking to invest in Bali’s real estate market.

Moreover, in early February 2023, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated the Mengwitani-Singaraja shortcut. The construction of the shortcut road linking Mengwi to Singaraja is urgently needed because previously the road conditions were narrow and winding. The Mengwitani-Singaraja City Boundary National Road is the Bali Island Route that connects South Bali with North Bali. The construction of this shortcut is important to create equitable development through the development of the North Bali region, especially in the tourism sector.

As such, the construction of these infrastructure developments has opened up new opportunities for potential investors and developers looking to invest in Bali’s real estate market.

bali infrastructure project : toll road
Photo source :

Bali infrastructure development to prepare for increased tourists

In conclusion, Bali’s infrastructure development such as the expansion of building a new Airport, toll road, and the construction of new bridges and ports have improved accessibility and reduced congestion for tourists. With its growing tourism industry and improved infrastructure, Bali has become an attractive destination for tourists to come.

In 2023-2024, Bali welcomed more than 2 million tourists, and each month, over 300,000 international visitors arrive on the island in search of rental villas, hotels, and housing. Consequently, the real estate market in Bali is projected to be a gold mine by 2024 and the following years, with an increasing number of development projects along the island.

With over 11 years in the Bali property market, Bukit Vista can help advise your property investment inquiries and manage a successful rental property business, bringing in a high ROI and revenues for your property project. Interested how?
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