Bali Tourism: Nusa Dua, Sanur & Ubud Become Pilot Project

img Ganes Nugraha | April 21, 2021

Bali tourism in Indonesia

Nusa Dua, Sanur and Ubud were opened as Pilot Project to gradually open up Bali tourism. 

Indeed, it aims to see the readiness of the industry and the guarantee of services as well as the CHSE certification for tourist attractions.

The Ministry of Tourism together with the Regency and City Tourism Offices in Bali as well as several tourism actors, unite their perceptions and commitments ahead of Bali tourism opening. Deputy for Strategic Policy at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenkraf), Kurleni Umar, revealed that the opening of Bali tourism will be carried out in stages.

“The opening is carried out in stages. First is with with Nusa Dua, Sanur and Ubud as the pilot projects,” said Umar when presenting the pre-conditions for the reopening of Bali Tourism, Taman Nusa, Gianyar Regency, Bali, Wednesday (7/4).

According to him, tourism will be opened if there is a low risk of transmission. This can be achieved by doing vaccination. Especially in priority zones, as well as industry readiness to guarantee excellent service and consistency in implementing health protocols or with CSHE certification.

So, if you are preparing your property to get ready for Bali reopening, you are also welcomed to chat with us if you have any problem. Indeed, we provide free villa management consultation for Bali area!  

Furthermore,  Umar added,  there were several parameters that had to be met. For instance, the reduction in the rate of new cases and a decrease in the population contracting Covid-19. In addition, the readiness of an adequate health and safety system is a parameter to open Bali. Besides, he also asked for the realization of a safe transportation system. 

“I want someone to be responsible for transportation. Means ensuring an integrated transportation system with a safe zone. The point here is to ensure tourists visit the green zone,” he added. 

Invite tourists to visit the green zone

Meanwhile, Head of the Bali Tourism Office Putu Astawa also emphasized that travel agencies should invite tourists to visit the green zone.

“Travel agencies must ensure tourists visit the green zone. Furthermore, they must arrange tour packages according to the governor’s direction.” said Astawa. Astawa said, the travel bubble that would be opened later was tourists from China, UAE, Singapore and Korea. He hopes that the governance of tourism development must be carried out in a patterned, comprehensive, planned, directed and integrated manner. So, it will bring a better life for the Balinese.

“He made Ubud a pilot project for the opening of tourism considering the history of Bali tourism which started from Ubud. Then, expanded to Sanur and Nusa Dua,” he said.

Bali tourism Indonesia

Vaccination system in Gianyar

Meanwhile, Deputy Regent of Gianyar Anak Agung Gede Mayun explained that the vaccination system in Gianyar which was used as a pilot revealed that vaccination in Gianyar was banjar-based.

“Why the Banjar? Because in Bali in particular, many programs have been successfully carried out based on the Banjar”. He added, in Gianyar, there are 33 vaccine teams where each team can administer vaccines from 150 to 250 people per day. So if you are given 30,000 vaccines it will be enough in 5 days.

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