Sustainable Property Maintenance: Overcoming Key Challenges by the Expert

img Dea BukitVista | January 28, 2024

Hi! I’m Dea Novita, the Public Relations lead at Bukit Vista, a property management company in Bali, Indonesia. Being a part of the Bukit Vista team is not just a job; it’s an everyday adventure into the world of innovative property management, including sustainable property maintenance. In our quest to continually provide top-tier information and services, we launched the Bali Business Review, a YouTube channel where we delve into the intricacies of the property and accommodation market, guided by the expertise of industry leaders.

In this particular article, I am excited to turn the spotlight on Ecosmart HUB, a company that stands out in the realm of sustainable property maintenance. In our recent episode, Ecosmart HUB offers insightful and practical solutions to the unique challenges of maintaining sustainable properties. Christian, the Co-Founder of Ecosmart HUB, shared an approach of his team’s innovative strategies provide a roadmap for property owners in Bali to navigate the complexities of eco-friendly maintenance, ensuring long-term efficiency and environmental stewardship.

Common Challenges in Sustainable Property Maintenance

Maintaining a property, especially one committed to sustainability, comes with its unique set of challenges. Christian from ecoSmart HUB, with his extensive experience in Bali’s property sector, sheds light on common maintenance issues and sustainable solutions.

In the world of sustainable property management, challenges range from routine housekeeping to more complex issues like leaking pools and water intrusion. Christian emphasizes that each property faces distinct problems, often stemming from initial cost-saving measures that lead to greater expenses in maintenance later on.

Pool Illustration

Solutions of Sustainable Property Maintenance:

Addressing these challenges, ecoSmart HUB offers a range of solutions tailored to different budgets and sustainability goals. Their approach is not limited to high-end properties; they cater to a wide spectrum, including middle-class hotels and small-medium enterprises. This inclusivity ensures that sustainable solutions have a broader impact across various segments of the hospitality industry.

Leakage and Waterproofing Technologies:

A significant focus of their maintenance solutions is on leakage and waterproofing. EcoSmart HUB introduces innovative products like nano-formulated sealants that penetrate deeply into concrete, offering long-lasting waterproofing. This technology is crucial for high-pressure environments like pools and is also applicable in common areas like hotel bathrooms.

Sustainable Property Maintenance
Leakage in Property


Effective maintenance is crucial for the longevity and sustainability of any property. By adopting the right solutions, property owners can ensure their investments are not only environmentally responsible but also economically viable in the long run. It will  not only shaping the future of sustainable property development but also providing practical, eco-friendly solutions for Bali’s unique property landscape. For a more comprehensive understanding and to catch the full spectrum of their insights, I encourage you to watch the complete interview on our Bali Business Review YouTube channel.

For property owners in Bali looking to enhance their maintenance strategies with sustainable solutions, Bukit Vista offers expert guidance and services. Contact us today to learn more about maintaining your property sustainably.

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