Cultivating Connections and Dreams: A Memorable Evening with Asia Exchange Founders

img Furqon Bukitvista | August 29, 2023
Greetings! I am Furqon, a dedicated and results-driven PR specialist with a passion for crafting compelling narratives and building strong relationships. Here, I am excited to share our latest update about our Round Table Talk event with one of our earliest partners
In the world of business, partnerships often begin with a formal agenda and structured meetings. However, sometimes, the most profound collaborations are born out of genuine friendships and shared passions. Such was the case when the team at Bukit Vista met with the founders of Asia Exchange.
This encounter was not a typical business meeting; it was a heartwarming reunion that transcended corporate agendas. At the heart of it all was a shared commitment to providing exceptional housing options for students coming to study in Jimbaran. The evening of August 29th 2023 at Bukit Vista Bali Base was an opportunity to reconnect and enjoy each other’s company
The participants in this memorable evening included Harri Suominen and Tuomas Kauppinen, the visionary minds behind Asia Exchange, known for their dedication to international education and global opportunities
harri souminen
As the sun began to set over Jimbaran, the dinner table was set with tantalizing dishes to savor. Aromatic Chicken Biryani and succulent Butter Chicken with Garlic Naan bread graced the menu. The beverages of choice for the evening included classic Gin & Tonics, BV Sunset Infusion Water, and a crisp Chardonnay.
dinner serving
Amidst the culinary delights, the evening was enriched with meaningful conversations and shared stories. Here are some highlights of the evening:

1. Sauna Culture: Bonding Beyond Boundaries

The discussion delved into the unique sauna culture of Finland, where it’s a peer-to-peer way of getting to know one another. In the sauna, there are no clothes, no ranks—everyone is equal. Surprisingly, the sauna, originally from Finland, has become a bridge that connects cultures.
Discussion of Sauna Culture on Finland
2. Poolside Memories: Where It All Began

Reminiscing about their first encounter, the conversation revolved around a pool party hosted in Kuta at a surf school. This chance meeting laid the foundation for a lasting friendship and fruitful collaboration.
Reminiscing Their First Encounter
3. From Hong Kong to Bali: A Tale of Two Worlds
The exchange of stories extended to the experiences of living in Hong Kong and China, comparing them to the dreamlike lifestyle of Bali. All present agreed that Bali’s charm and lifestyle were unparalleled.
dinner with asia exchange
Exchange Stories about Experiences of Living in Many Countries
4. A Shared Educational Journey
The evening also brought back memories of public lectures given by Jing Cho Yang, the CEO of Bukit Vista, to Asia Exchange classes in Jimbaran back in 2019. This early encounter set the stage for what would become a rewarding partnership.
meeting with asia exchange founders
Sharing Educational Journey
For Bukit Vista, the partnership with Asia Exchange is more than a business arrangement; it’s a shared dream of providing exceptional experiences for students studying in Jimbaran. This meeting was a testament to the value of building relationships and collaborating with like-minded organizations in the field of education.
In the enchanting backdrop of Bali, Bukit Vista and Asia Exchange showcased that sometimes, the best partnerships are forged through friendship, shared values, and a mutual love for making dreams come true. As the evening concluded, it was evident that the bonds formed during this special gathering would continue to strengthen their collaboration for years to come

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