Elevating hospitality through Round Table Talk with Gojek’s VP of Data Science

img Jey Bukitvista | August 19, 2023

In an engaging and enlightening Round Table Talk that took place on August 19, 2023, the Bukit Vista community experienced an extraordinary confluence of data experts and a visionary business owner. Hosted at the Bali office, the event featured distinguished guests: Mr. Syafri, the Vice President of Data Science at Gojek, and the owners of Villa Tupa, Bu Anna and Pak Boris. We called it “Round Table Talk,” exemplifies Bukit Vista’s commitment to fostering community, collaboration, and knowledge sharing. The event allowed partners, employees, and guests to gather, dine, and engage in thoughtful discussions centered around inspiring delight and catalyzing positive transformations in the hospitality sector.

The recent Round Table Talk welcomed some notable guests. Mr. Syafri, a figure in the world of data science, graced the event with his presence. As the Vice President of Data Science at Gojek, Mr. Syafri possesses profound domain knowledge in financial risk management and the complete modeling spectrum, spanning data ingestion, research, prototyping, validation, productionisation, and governance. His expertise has undoubtedly contributed to Gojek’s pioneering initiatives, making his insights a valuable asset to the hospitality community seeking to innovate and adapt in an ever-evolving landscape.

Joining Mr. Syafri were the esteemed owners of Villa Tupa, Bu Anna and Pak Boris. Their successful journey in the hospitality industry adds a unique perspective to the discussions. The challenges they have overcome and the triumphs they’ve achieved provide an inspiring backdrop for the Round Table Talk’s core theme of transformation.

Enriching Insights and Discourse

During the event, Mr. Syafri shared a wealth of knowledge derived from his experiences in data science and risk management. His insights into the data-driven decision-making process resonated strongly with attendees, providing valuable takeaways that can be applied to the hospitality sector’s various challenges.

Bu Anna and Pak Boris, as villa owners, provided a complementary narrative. Their journey from humble beginnings to running a successful establishment showcased the potential for positive transformation through dedication and strategic vision. They emphasized the significance of guest satisfaction, innovation, and ongoing adaptation in a business that thrives on impressing guests, sharing examples from their personal experiences.
syafri discussion

Inspiring Delight and Transformation

Creating delight and positively altering hospitality was the underlying subject that influenced the entire evening’s discussions. The Round Table Talk provided a forum for guests and the BV staff to discuss ways to improve operations, promote sustainable practices, and create exceptional guest experiences. We gained extensive knowledge of how innovation and guest-centric initiatives may lead to positive change by integrating the insights from Mr. Syafri’s data-driven approach with the remarkable experiences of Bu Anna and Pak Boris.


The Round Table Talk on August 19, 2023, was an essential event for the community. This dinner captured the essence of cooperation, knowledge sharing, and transformation by bringing together Mr. Syafri’s analytical skills and Bu Anna’s and Pak Boris’s practical wisdom. Armed with the knowledge and motivation gained from this insightful discussion, we left the dinner with a renewed resolve to inspire delight and positively improve the hospitality sector. The Round Table Talk provides evidence of the effectiveness of community-driven conversation in bringing about significant change.

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