Round Table Talk

technology integration

AI Tools and Tech Integration: Highlights from Bukit Vista Round Table Talk

Hi, I'm Utami, a content creator at Bukit Vista, had the pleasure of sharing the story of our Round Table Talk on July 11th, aimed at strengthening networking and showcasing technology integration in property management to key stakeholders in the real estate and hospitality sectors. The event, held in the picturesque setting of Bali, was attended by Ben and Kari, leads from Villa Leela; Jaymiller, an...

Strengthening Partnerships: Success and Opportunities from Our Networking Dinner

On July 4th, we hosted Round Table Talk event that brought together a diverse group of our clients. The event featured our current property partners, Max and Raquel, prospective property partner Attila, and investment strategy clients Tensei and Haruka. The primary goal was to ensure accountability and expand our network by facilitating meaningful interactions among our...

real estate data

Exploring Bali’s Real Estate: Insights from a Roundtable Discussion on Data, Quality, and Culture

As a content creator at Bukit Vista, I, Utami, am very excited to share insights from the Round Table Talk held on July 9, 2024. I got this story from Erica, our Business Development team. Each guest brings a unique perspective, highlighting the importance of reliable real estate data, quality management, and cultural preservation amidst Bali's growth. The panel included Made Budiarta, owner of Pondok...

university partner

Unlocking Collaboration: Highlights from Bukit Vista’s University Partnership Round Table

As a marketing intern at Bukit Vista, I, Utami, am excited to share the story of the Round Table Talk event held at our Yogyakarta base on May 24, 2024. This story, brought to you by Furqon, who hosted the event, highlights how Bukit Vista brought together university partners and key stakeholders to discuss potential collaboration opportunities and company updates. Attendees included Masayoe Adinda, a...

AI-Powered Recruitment: Insights from Bukit Vista’s Round Table Talk with UGM Students in Yogyakarta

Selection process, such as AI for CV screening and trial program was a key focus at our recent Round Table Talk (RTT). I, Utami, a Marketing intern at Bukit Vista, am excited to share the story of a Round Table Talk (RTT) held at our Yogyakarta base on May 10, 2024. Hosted by Furqon, the event engaged several promising candidates from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), including Nabila, Lita, and Silvi,...

AI and User Experience Discussions at Bukit Vista’s Round Table Talk

On May 1st, 2024, as a marketing intern at Bukit Vista, I had the pleasure of sharing insights from our recent Round Table Talk held at our Yogyakarta Base. Hosted by Bukit Vista’s dedicated team members—Furqon, Ghani, and Ali—the event featured discussions on the integration of advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and eye-tracking into property management. Esteemed guests, Dr. Eng....

bali business environment

Harnessing the Challenges and Opportunities in Bali Business Environment: Insights from Round Table Talk

As the PR of Bukit Vista, I, Dea Novita, recently participated in the Round Table Talk (RTT) held in Bali. Joined by Bukit Vista's founder, Wayana, our Business Development Senior, Erica, as well as distinguished guests Lee Stephans and Nancy, the discussion revolved around key aspects of managing and growing a business in Bali Business Environment.This article distills the insights from the session,...

Investor Trust Building: A Roundtable Discussion at Bukit Vista

Hello! I’m Weda, part of the marketing team at Bukit Vista, and I had the delightful opportunity to capture a significant event for our community. Recently, we hosted a roundtable discussion that brought together key property investors to talk about trust building and deepening connections within our network. The session proved insightful, offering a chance to share experiences, strategies, and discuss...

partner relation

Partner Relations and Property Management Insights from Bukit Vista’s Bali Round Table

As a marketing intern at Bukit Vista, I'm, Utami, excited to share insights from our recent Round Table Talk held on April 25, 2024, at our Bali Base. Although I was not at the table during the discussion, the event successfully brought together property owners, long-term guests, and industry experts. This gathering was instrumental in strengthening partner relations and enhancing property management...

bali investment insight

Exploring Property Investment in Bali: Insights from Bukit Vista’s Round Table Talk

On April 23, Bukit Vista hosted an enlightening Round Table Talk at their Bali Base. I am, Utami, a marketing intern at Bukit Vista, I want to share these engaging discussions about Bali investment insight. I'm delighted to present insights from the event, which brought together Bukit Vista's team and distinguished guests deeply vested in the property market of Bali. The participants included Lynne, a...

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