Creating Lasting Memories with Friends: A Night of Laughter and Reflection

img Tanisma | October 18, 2023

Hello! I’m Tanisma from Business Development team, in charge of converting and maintaining a delightful relationship with partners. Here I would like to share a story about an unforgettable dinner in the midst of an evening filled with nostalgia, laughter, and delectable Western cuisine, old friend came together to share unforgettable experiences and stories from their diverse journeys.

A Long-Awaited Reunion

On this special evening, we had the pleasure of welcoming cherished friend back into our lives: Dominic, a former member of the operations team at Bukit Vista, and Mr. Indra, a respected contractor from CV Catur Putra Karya, known for his expertise in handling construction projects in the enchanting town of Ubud. It had been quite some time since we last saw Dominic, and the anticipation of this gathering was palpable.

Dinner Delights

The evening commenced with an array of delectable dishes, marking a notable first for our gatherings. Wayana, our gracious host, prepared a sumptuous meal featuring creamy carbonara pasta and juicy chicken steak, each bite a harmonious blend of flavors and textures. The unanimous consensus among the diners was that Wayana’s venture into Western cuisine had been a resounding success.

Laughter-Filled Conversations

As the night unfolded, our conversations flowed like a river, punctuated by laughter and animated discussions on a wide range of topics. From wine with a name reminiscent of a K-Pop idol to cherished memories of times gone by, we delved into the stories that have shaped our lives.

Dominic’s Unforgettable Moment

Marcel, ever the inquisitive conversationalist, turned to Dominic and asked him about his most unforgettable experience during his tenure at Bukit Vista. Dominic didn’t hesitate to share a story that has stayed with him over the years. He recounted a moment from his early days at the company when an unexpected overbooking situation unfolded, leaving a lasting impression on him.

Ubud and Bali: A Unique Experience

Shifting the focus to Mr. Indra, he spoke passionately about his work in Ubud. To him, this picturesque town offers experiences that are unlike any other place in Bali. His sentiments resonated with Jing, who shared his own tales of arriving in Bali and the unique experiences that the island had granted him.

Jing’s Pandemic Reflections

The evening took a contemplative turn as Jing shared his personal reflections. He recounted a poignant memory from the early days of the pandemic when he had to undergo a 10-day quarantine in Jakarta with his daughter, Eka, upon returning from the United States. The bustling streets of Jakarta, typically teeming with traffic and noise, had transformed into a quiet and solitary landscape during their stay.

In conclusion, this unforgettable night of reunion was a testament to the enduring power of friendship and the treasure trove of experiences that life has to offer. As we indulged in delightful cuisine and shared stories, it became clear that the bonds of friendship can withstand the test of time and distance, rekindling the warmth of camaraderie and the joy of shared memories. Ready for more amazing journey? Read our other Round Table Talk stories here.

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