Building Strong Staff Operational Standards for Property Management Excellence

img Sri Utami | June 28, 2024

Hello, I’m Utami, a marketing intern at Bukit Vista. I’d like to share insights on how we achieve operational excellence in Bali villa management through strong staff operational standards. This article is based on an insightful conversation with Raditya, our experienced property manager at Bukit Vista.

By implementing strategic staff allocation, adhering to rigorous standard operating procedures (SOPs), and focusing on operational efficiency, Bukit Vista ensures that each property under our management delivers exceptional guest experiences and long-term success. These practices offer valuable lessons for other property managers and owners looking to elevate their operational standards. 

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Bukit Vista Operational Staff

Tailored Staff Allocation for Maintaining Operational Standard

At Bukit Vista, operational excellence is rooted in strategic staff allocation. A key aspect of this strategy is the dedicated housekeeper team, which operates across different areas in Bali, for example, areas A, B, and C. This team-based approach ensures that the same operational standards are applied consistently across multiple properties. Treating all properties within a designated area with the same level of care, the housekeeper team guarantees that guests experience consistent, high-quality service regardless of their location.

Consistency in service quality is vital for maintaining high operational standards, and Bukit Vista achieves this through meticulously designed standard operating procedures (SOPs). These SOPs provide clear guidance for our staff, ensuring that every task is performed to the highest standards. This approach maintains consistency in service and aligns seamlessly with the principles outlined in our Business Plan, particularly in our Guest Experience Management (GEM) strategy.

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Guest Experience Management as One of Our Principles

Guest Experiences Management (GEM) at Bukit Vista is a holistic approach designed to consistently deliver top-tier, 5-star experiences for every guest. GEM encompasses stringent standards for cleanliness, precise operational details, efficient check-in processes, and highly effective communication. The core of GEM lies in the exceptional quality of our staff, whose warm welcomes and attentive service are crucial in enhancing the overall guest experience. This approach ensures that every interaction, from booking to departure, meets or exceeds expectations, leading to positive reviews and high satisfaction rates. GEM is a philosophy that integrates every element of property management to create a seamless and memorable stay for our guests, ultimately boosting the reputation and success of the properties we manage.

Implementing Buddy System

To further enhance operational efficiency, Bukit Vista implements a buddy system within its staff management strategy. This system pairs staff members to provide backup during holidays or peak times, ensuring continuous service without overburdening any individual. For instance, if one staff member is on leave, their buddy steps in to maintain service quality seamlessly. This system upholds operational standards and fosters a supportive work environment that enhances teamwork and overall productivity. Through these strategic measures, Bukit Vista maintains a high level of operational efficiency, contributing to the success and satisfaction of both guests and property owners.

Addressing Challenges in Staff Allocation

One significant challenge in villa management is managing back-to-back check-ins and check-outs. During peak seasons, when guests frequently check out and new guests check in on the same day, it can strain the staff. To address this, Bukit Vista plans staff schedules meticulously. They ensure that there is always backup support available to handle these situations smoothly. By having a well-coordinated schedule, the staff can manage their tasks efficiently without compromising on service quality.

In instances where villas are located far apart, providing backup support can be challenging. Bukit Vista overcomes this by sending staff from nearby villas and compensating them with additional allowances for travel expenses and extra work hours. This proactive approach ensures that all villas are adequately staffed, even in remote locations. By offering incentives such as travel allowances and bonuses, Bukit Vista motivates its staff to maintain consistently high service standards, regardless of the distance or location challenges.

Training Mechanisms to Enhance Staff Skills

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Onsite Staff Training and Coaching

Training is crucial for maintaining high service standards. Besides efficient staff management, Bukit Vista also emphasizes staff training to enhance skills for better service and improved guest experiences. Bukit Vista assigns senior staff members to supervise and train new employees. This mentorship ensures that new staff learn the best practices and standards expected in villa management. Senior staff share their expertise and provide hands-on training, covering everything from cleaning procedures to guest interactions. This continuous learning environment helps staff to stay updated with the latest practices in property management.

At Bukit Vista, staff training includes onsite staff training and coaching to ensure high service standards. Collaborating with experts, we conduct on-site training sessions covering warm greetings, stringent hygiene standard operating procedures (SOPs), and mastery of digital booking platforms. Random property checks and new skill introductions are conducted regularly to keep up with the latest trends. This training is provided free of charge and includes sharing sessions among property owners with similar estates. This fosters a collaborative atmosphere, contributing to overall staff efficiency in property management.


Operational excellence is essential for the success of any property management business. Bukit Vista achieves this by strategically allocating staff, implementing comprehensive SOPs, and providing continuous training to enhance operational efficiency. These practices ensure that all properties under Bukit Vista’s management deliver consistent, high-quality service, leading to better guest experiences and higher satisfaction rates. To further drive excellence, Bukit Vista regularly reviews and updates its SOPs, incorporating feedback to stay responsive to market changes. 

Additionally, a strong emphasis on teamwork fosters a collaborative environment where staff share best practices, enhancing operational standards across the board. This culture of continuous improvement and transparency, combined with strategic planning, not only strengthens our operations but also builds trust with property owners, ensuring long-term success and sustained guest satisfaction.

If you are looking to improve staff efficiency and enhance the overall guest experience at your property, consider partnering with Bukit Vista. With our expertise in staff management and training, we can help you achieve higher productivity and service quality. Join us and discover the difference efficient staff management can make for your property.

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