Bukit Vista’s CEO MasterClass: Harnessing Data-Driven Decisions in the Hospitality Industry

img Jey Bukitvista | November 16, 2023

Hello, I’m Jey, currently interning with the Human Resource team at Bukit Vista. You might have come across my previous articles where I’ve shared insights about our company culture and stories from our dedicated employees. Today, I’m going to share with you about one of our Bukit Vista CEO MasterClass sessions with Jing Cho Yang, our CEO here at Bukit Vista.

Jing Cho Yang

In an era where data is as crucial as capital, the hospitality sector is undergoing a significant transformation. Our CEO MasterClass, which focuses on tips for data-driven decisions in hospitality startups, offers a deep dive into this phenomenon. Jing Cho Yang, the CEO of Bukit Vista and a prominent figure in the hospitality industry, provides valuable insights into their company’s practices, emphasizing the pivotal role of data-driven decision-making. This article dissects and expands upon these insights, underscoring the importance of analytics in shaping the future of hospitality businesses.

The Morning Routine: A Data-Centric Start

Jing begins by discussing their morning routine, which, intriguingly, is deeply intertwined with data analysis. They start their day by checking a comprehensive statistics dashboard. This practice isn’t just a routine; it’s a strategic move that sets the tone for informed decision-making throughout the day.

  1. Dashboard Design and Content: Jing’s dashboard is meticulously curated, displaying key performance indicators (KPIs) from various business domains. This might include real-time sales data, customer engagement metrics, staff performance, inventory levels, and financial health indicators. Additionally, Jing might incorporate external data like market trends, competitor performance, and economic indicators to understand the broader business environment.
  2. Analytical Approach: Jing’s engagement with the dashboard is not passive. They actively analyze trends, compare current figures with historical data, and note any significant deviations or unexpected patterns. This analysis helps in identifying areas requiring immediate attention and those performing well.
  3. Strategic Planning: The insights gained from the morning data review guide Jing’s strategic planning for the day. This might involve adjusting marketing strategies, reallocating resources, or addressing operational challenges. It’s a proactive approach that ensures decisions are based on the most current and comprehensive information available.
  4. Team Collaboration and Communication: Jing might use insights from their morning data review in communications with their team. This could involve setting daily goals, providing updates on key metrics, or discussing strategies for addressing identified challenges. It ensures that the entire team is aligned and working towards common objectives.
  5. Adaptability and Responsiveness: Jing’s routine reflects an adaptive management style. By starting the day with a comprehensive data review, they position themselves to respond quickly to changing circumstances, seizing opportunities as they arise and mitigating risks promptly.
  6. Continuous Improvement: This data-centric start is part of a broader culture of continuous improvement. Jing uses these insights not just for day-to-day management but also for long-term strategic planning, identifying trends and patterns that could impact future business directions.
  7. Personal Development and Growth: Finally, Jing’s routine is also about personal growth and development. By consistently engaging with complex data and making informed decisions, they continually refine their analytical and strategic skills, staying ahead in an ever-evolving business landscape.

The Role of the Statistics Dashboard

The statistics dashboard, accessible to all employees, is the linchpin of Bukit Vista’s data-driven approach. It encompasses several critical metrics:

  1. Booking Pace: This metric provides real-time insights into the rate at which properties are being booked. It’s crucial for understanding market demand and making adjustments in marketing and pricing strategies.
  2. Monthly Revenue: Tracking monthly revenue helps in assessing the financial health of the business. It aids in forecasting and in making strategic decisions regarding investments and resource allocation.
  3. Weekly Sales: This short-term metric offers a snapshot of sales performance, helping in quick decision-making and immediate strategy adjustments.
  4. Growth Statistics: These statistics reflect the company’s expansion, both in terms of revenue and market presence. They’re essential for long-term strategic planning.
  5. New Listings: Monitoring new listings is key to understanding the expansion of the company’s portfolio and its market penetration.

Understanding Performance through Data

Bukit Vista’s Google Analytics Dashboard

Jing stresses that the dashboard is more than just a collection of numbers. It’s a tool that provides a multi-dimensional view of the company’s performance. Each property and region’s performance can be dissected and understood through this data. This granular approach allows for targeted strategies, ensuring that interventions are precise and effective.

Expanding on Jing’s perspective, the dashboard is conceptualized as a sophisticated and dynamic tool that transcends traditional data presentation. It is an integral part of the decision-making process, offering a nuanced and multi-layered view of the company’s operational health.

  1. Holistic Insight: Jing’s dashboard is not merely a reflection of raw numbers but a comprehensive portrayal of the company’s health. It integrates data from various departments – sales, marketing, customer service, HR, finance, and operations – to present a holistic picture. This integration enables Jing to see how different areas of the business interconnect and impact each other, fostering a systemic understanding of the company.
  2. Customizable Views: The dashboard offers customizable views tailored to specific needs and objectives. Jing can zoom in on individual property or regional performance, allowing for a micro-level understanding. This granular view is essential for identifying unique challenges and opportunities that may not be apparent in the aggregate data.
  3. Trend Analysis and Predictive Insights: Beyond current performance, Jing’s dashboard incorporates trend analysis and predictive modeling. This feature helps in anticipating future scenarios based on current data trends, enabling proactive planning. It can predict shifts in market demand, changes in customer preferences, or potential operational bottlenecks.
  4. User Interaction and Engagement: The dashboard is designed to be interactive, allowing Jing to engage with the data actively. This could involve drilling down into specific metrics for deeper analysis or adjusting parameters to explore different scenarios. Such engagement fosters a deeper understanding and a more intuitive grasp of the data.
  5. Real-Time and Historical Data Comparison: Jing can compare real-time data with historical benchmarks, providing context and helping to distinguish between short-term fluctuations and long-term trends. This comparison is vital for understanding whether the business is moving in the right direction and for setting realistic goals.
  6. Decision-Making Support: The dashboard is a decision-making aid, providing actionable insights. For instance, if a particular region shows declining sales, Jing can quickly analyze contributing factors and develop targeted strategies to address the issue, such as marketing campaigns or operational improvements.

Emphasizing Measurement, Monitoring, and Management

Engagement Overview of Bukit Vista Website

Jing’s mantra of ‘measurement, monitoring, and management‘ is central to their philosophy. Let’s break down these three M’s:

  1. Measurement: This stage involves not just the collection of quantitative data like sales figures, customer engagement metrics, or operational efficiency, but also qualitative data such as customer feedback and employee satisfaction. Advanced analytics and big data technologies can play a pivotal role here, offering deeper insights into consumer behavior and market trends. This phase is about establishing a strong foundation of facts and figures that accurately represent the current state of the business.
    • Beyond Basics: Measurement should evolve with the business, incorporating predictive analytics and AI-driven insights. For instance, using machine learning algorithms to forecast market trends or consumer behavior patterns can offer a strategic advantage.
  2. Monitoring: Consistent monitoring is crucial in an ever-changing business environment. It’s not just about tracking the status quo, but actively seeking out potential improvements and efficiencies. Real-time monitoring, enabled by IoT (Internet of Things) devices and cloud-based platforms, allows for immediate responses to changing circumstances.
    • Proactive Approach: Monitoring should be forward-looking, identifying potential issues before they become problems. Implementing advanced monitoring tools like sentiment analysis on social media or real-time performance dashboards can provide an early warning system for shifts in market dynamics or operational challenges.
  3. Management: The final M, management, is about translating data into action. This involves strategic decision-making based on a comprehensive analysis of the measured and monitored data. Effective management requires not only understanding the present data but also anticipating future scenarios.
    • Strategic Agility: Management should focus on agility and adaptability, using insights to pivot strategies when necessary. This might involve embracing innovative business models, exploring new market segments, or investing in emerging technologies. Decision-making should be both data-driven and intuitively aligned with the long-term vision of the company.

Incorporating these expanded perspectives into Jing’s philosophy can create a more dynamic and responsive business model. It’s about harnessing the power of data not just to understand the current business landscape but to anticipate and shape future trends.

The Impact of a Data-Driven Approach

Adopting a data-driven approach has profound implications for hospitality startups like Bukit Vista:

  1. Enhanced Decision-Making: Decisions are no longer based on intuition or guesswork but on hard facts and trends.
  2. Improved Customer Experience: Understanding booking trends and preferences leads to better customer service and personalization.
  3. Operational Efficiency: Data helps in identifying inefficiencies and areas of improvement in operations.
  4. Strategic Growth: Long-term growth strategies become more robust and grounded in reality, thanks to the insights drawn from growth statistics and market trends.


The CEO of Bukit Vista’s approach is a testament to the power of data in the modern hospitality industry. Their methodical use of a statistics dashboard for daily decision-making is a lesson for all hospitality startups aiming to thrive in a competitive market. By embracing measurement, monitoring, and management, companies can not only survive but excel in the dynamic hospitality landscape. As Bukit Vista’s CEO aptly demonstrates, in the realm of hospitality, data isn’t just an asset; it’s the compass that guides every strategic move.

If you’re enthusiastic about delving into additional masterclasses and expanding your knowledge, kindly visit our StartUp MasterClass website and let’s embark on a continuous journey of learning and innovation together!

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