Upholding Brand Integrity and Shaping the Future of Hospitality Marketing: A Dialogue with Dayu Susani, Director of Sales and Marketing at Raffles Resort.

img Jey Bukitvista | November 16, 2023

Hello, I’m Jey, currently interning with the Human Resource team at Bukit Vista. You might have come across my previous articles where I’ve shared insights about our company culture and stories from our dedicated employees. Today, I’m going to share with you about one of our Bukit Vista Startup Masterclass sessions with Dayu Susani, Director of Sales & Marketing at Raffles Resort.

This is Dayu Susani, our Masterclass mentor.
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dayu-susani-95923b15/
Dayu was the Director of Sales and Marketing at Raffles Bali from December 2019 to November 2022.
Source: https://balidave.com/raffles-hotel-bali

In an enlightening session of Bukit Vista’s Startup Masterclass, we had the privilege of hosting Dayu Susani, the esteemed Director of Sales and Marketing at Raffles Resort. The event, expertly moderated by Aldo from Bukit Vista’s marketing team, delved into the intricate dynamics of luxury hospitality and the evolving strategies in the industry.

The Evolving Landscape of Raffles Resort:

Raffles Resort, a jewel in the crown of luxury hospitality, has undergone significant transformations. Acquired by Accor in 2016, the resort has maintained its ethos of legendary service and iconic design. Dayu Susani illuminated the resort’s journey through various challenges, including the pandemic, emphasizing its unwavering commitment to brand values and strategic pricing amidst market fluctuations.

A pivotal shift in Raffles Resort’s strategy was its foray into digital marketing. The pandemic necessitated a reevaluation of traditional marketing approaches, leading to an increased focus on digital platforms. Dayu highlighted the importance of maintaining brand awareness and relationships with consortium agents in a rapidly changing digital landscape. This shift underscores the need for luxury resorts to adapt and innovate continuously to stay relevant.

With travel restrictions reshaping the industry’s landscape, Raffles Resort adopted virtual presentations to engage with global partners. Dayu shared the resort’s success in building brand awareness across diverse markets, including Russia, the Middle East, the US, and the UK, through strategic collaborations.

Upholding Brand Integrity

The essence of brand integrity in the realm of luxury hospitality, as emphasized in Dayu Susani’s masterclass, is a multifaceted and deeply nuanced concept. It goes beyond mere exclusivity; it’s about creating a legacy that resonates with a particular segment of the market. Dayu underscored the meticulous focus of Raffles Resort on serving a niche market of affluent travelers. This strategy is not just about targeting the wealthy; it’s about understanding and catering to a demographic that seeks more than just luxury — they seek an experience that aligns with their lifestyle and values.

Brand integrity in this context involves a careful balance of tradition and innovation. Raffles Resort, with its rich history and iconic status, has built its reputation on a foundation of time-honored hospitality principles. Yet, it has also embraced modernity, ensuring that its services and amenities reflect contemporary luxury standards. This balance is crucial in maintaining the allure of the brand, ensuring that it appeals to both long-standing patrons and new generations of luxury travelers.

Moreover, maintaining brand integrity means being selective about partnerships and collaborations. Every association, be it with travel agencies, event organizers, or luxury goods providers, is chosen with the brand’s ethos in mind. This selectivity ensures that the brand’s image remains consistent and undiluted across all platforms and interactions.

Dayu also highlighted the importance of storytelling in maintaining brand integrity. Raffles Resort’s brand story is woven into every guest interaction, from the architecture and design of their properties to the personalized service provided by their staff. This storytelling aspect creates a narrative that guests can connect with, making their stay not just a service but an experience that aligns with their identity and aspirations.

Furthermore, upholding brand integrity is not a static process; it requires continuous monitoring and adaptation. The luxury market is dynamic, with evolving trends and changing customer expectations. Raffles Resort’s strategy involves staying ahead of these trends, anticipating the needs of their clientele, and adapting their services accordingly. This proactive approach ensures that the brand remains relevant and desirable in a competitive market.

Lastly, Dayu emphasized the emotional aspect of brand integrity. For many guests, choosing Raffles Resort is an emotional decision, driven by the prestige and sentiment associated with the brand. Therefore, maintaining brand integrity is also about nurturing these emotional connections, ensuring that every guest feels a sense of belonging and exclusivity. This emotional resonance is what ultimately cultivates a loyal clientele, who value not just the physical offerings of Raffles Resort, but the emotional experience and prestige associated with being part of its esteemed legacy.

Revenue Management’s Critical Role

Dayu Susani’s masterclass illuminated the increasingly complex and crucial role of revenue management in the contemporary hospitality sector. This discipline has evolved dramatically with the advent of online platforms, transitioning from a traditional, largely intuitive practice to a sophisticated, data-driven field. In today’s digital age, revenue management is no longer a supportive function but a central pillar in the strategic planning and execution of hotel operations.

The integration of advanced analytics and big data has revolutionized revenue management. Modern systems are capable of processing vast amounts of data from various sources — including historical booking patterns, competitor pricing, market trends, and even weather forecasts — to make precise, informed decisions about room pricing and availability. This shift to a more analytical approach allows hotels to optimize their revenue per available room (RevPAR) and maximize overall profitability.

Furthermore, the role of revenue management has expanded to encompass a broader range of responsibilities. It’s not just about setting room rates anymore; it’s about managing distribution channels, overseeing online reputation, and strategizing promotional offers. In this context, revenue managers must have a deep understanding of digital marketing, e-commerce, and customer behavior patterns to effectively drive sales and profitability.

The synergy between sales and revenue management teams, as highlighted in the masterclass, has become more critical than ever. These teams must work in unison to develop and implement strategies that align with the hotel’s overall objectives. For instance, while the sales team focuses on building relationships and securing bookings, the revenue management team must ensure that these bookings are optimized for revenue generation. This collaboration extends to managing group bookings, negotiating contracts, and developing dynamic pricing strategies that respond to real-time market conditions.

In Bukit Vista, we implement dynamic pricing—a strategy where businesses adjust the prices of their offerings to account for changing demand, utilizing flexible pricing instead of fixed rates. The goal is to set the right price at the right time. Read about it here.

Sustainability and Hospitality

Another key area of discussion was the growing significance of sustainability in hospitality. Dayu emphasized that modern travelers are increasingly environmentally conscious, and hotels must adapt by implementing sustainable practices. This includes reducing carbon footprints, utilizing renewable energy sources, and ensuring ethical supply chains. Raffles Resort, she noted, is committed to these principles, integrating sustainability into its core operations.

Technology’s Role in Enhancing Guest Experience

Dayu also touched upon the role of technology in enhancing the guest experience. From mobile check-ins to personalized room settings controlled via apps, technology is redefining guest interactions. She cited examples of how Raffles Resort leverages technology to offer a seamless and personalized experience to its guests.

At Bukit Vista, we are at the forefront of this technological evolution, integrating cutting-edge AI solutions to enhance our hospitality services. One such innovation is GAIA, our Guest AI Assistant, a testament to our commitment to leveraging technology for creating exceptional guest experiences. GAIA represents a significant step forward in our journey to redefine hospitality through smart technology, ensuring that each guest interaction is not just efficient but also uniquely tailored to individual preferences and needs. Our focus remains on harnessing AI not just as a tool, but as an integral part of our strategy to set new standards in hospitality, aligning with our core values of innovation and excellence. For more insights into how GAIA is shaping the future of guest services at Bukit Vista, visit Meet BukitVista Intern: GAIA.

The Future of Hospitality Marketing

An interesting facet of the discussion was the strategies employed by luxury hotels to maintain guest loyalty. Dayu shared insights into loyalty programs, personalized services, and exclusive experiences offered by Raffles Resort to keep their esteemed guests returning. She emphasized that in the luxury segment, personalization and recognition are key drivers of guest loyalty.

Dayu also spoke about how global events, like the pandemic, have reshaped traveler priorities. Safety and health have become paramount, leading to changes in hotel operations and guest services. She shared how Raffles Resort adapted to these changes, implementing stringent safety protocols without compromising on the luxury experience.

The discussion ventured into the future trends in hospitality marketing. Dayu stressed the increasing importance of omnichannel marketing strategies, where hotels must engage customers across various digital platforms while maintaining a consistent brand message. The rise of social media and influencer marketing was also highlighted as a crucial element in contemporary marketing strategies, allowing for more personal and direct engagement with potential guests.

Bukit Vista’s Vision and Growth

Bukit Vista’s transition from property management to envisioning hospitality as a service was a key discussion point. Dayu applauded Bukit Vista’s ambition to expand its services to hotels, highlighting its potential to revolutionize the industry by providing specialized marketing and revenue generation services. This vision aligns seamlessly with the company’s mission to bridge the educational gap and offer mentorship to fresh graduates.

The Startup Masterclass initiative by Bukit Vista is a commendable effort to nurture talent in the startup ecosystem. By connecting students with industry veterans, Bukit Vista is playing a pivotal role in preparing the next generation of professionals for the real-world challenges of the hospitality industry.


Dayu Susani’s masterclass was a masterstroke in uncovering the layers of luxury hospitality management and the evolving strategies in this dynamic industry. Her insights provide a roadmap for entities like Bukit Vista, aspiring to excel in this sector. As Bukit Vista continues to innovate and grow, this masterclass will serve as a beacon, guiding its journey towards revolutionizing hospitality and nurturing the next generation of industry leaders. The session was not just a glimpse into the strategies of Raffles Resort but a broader perspective on the future of luxury hospitality itself.

If you’re enthusiastic about delving into additional masterclasses and expanding your knowledge, kindly visit our StartUp MasterClass website and let’s embark on a continuous journey of learning and innovation together!

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