
Latest Bali Infrastructure Projects to Grow Bali Tourism Industry

Hey there, it’s Adiel! I’m thrilled to share my insights on the latest infrastructure projects in Bali. Having spent countless hours studying the rental market and tourism industry during my time at Bukit Vista, I’ve researched a lot about what drives property investors and tourists to this beautiful part of the world. So, grab a cup of tea and join me as we explore the latest infrastructure...

marketing strategy to property

Effective Marketing Strategies to Turn Your Property into a High-Performing Asset

As a marketing intern at Bukit Vista, I’m, Utami, excited to share how our comprehensive marketing strategy to property promotion can enhance the performance and value of our partners' villas. At Bukit Vista, our innovative approach, industry expertise, and advanced technology set us apart from other property management companies, ensuring that your villa stands out in the competitive market and becomes...

university partner

Unlocking Collaboration: Highlights from Bukit Vista’s University Partnership Round Table

As a marketing intern at Bukit Vista, I, Utami, am excited to share the story of the Round Table Talk event held at our Yogyakarta base on May 24, 2024. This story, brought to you by Furqon, who hosted the event, highlights how Bukit Vista brought together university partners and key stakeholders to discuss potential collaboration opportunities and company updates. Attendees included Masayoe Adinda, a...

AI-Powered Recruitment: Insights from Bukit Vista’s Round Table Talk with UGM Students in Yogyakarta

Selection process, such as AI for CV screening and trial program was a key focus at our recent Round Table Talk (RTT). I, Utami, a Marketing intern at Bukit Vista, am excited to share the story of a Round Table Talk (RTT) held at our Yogyakarta base on May 10, 2024. Hosted by Furqon, the event engaged several promising candidates from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), including Nabila, Lita, and Silvi,...

Understanding Legal Permits in Bali: Pondok Wisata, PBG, and SLF

Bali is a popular destination for property investors and developers, offering a promising real estate market. I'm Utami, a marketing intern at Bukit Vista, and I want to share insights about legal permits for property building in Bali. Our Business Development team has provided valuable information on essential legal permits such as the Pondok Wisata, PBG, and SLF. This guide will help you navigate the...

Statistiques du Tourisme à Bali 2024: Une Vue D’ensemble

Bonjour, je suis Chinta, analyste commercial chez Bukit Vista, une entreprise spécialisée dans le tourisme à Bali. Mon rôle consiste à utiliser l'analyse des données pour découvrir des opportunités de générer des revenus au sein de notre vaste portefeuille de plus de 100 entreprises de location de vacances. Grâce à une analyse approfondie des données, j'ai acquis des connaissances précieuses...

property maintenance

How Bukit Vista Expertly Manages Property Maintenance Issues

I'm Utami, a marketing intern at Bukit Vista, and I'd like to share insights about our dedicated property maintenance service. In the hospitality industry, efficient property maintenance is essential to ensure guest satisfaction and maintain property value. At Bukit Vista, we recognize the importance of addressing maintenance issues promptly and effectively. Our property maintenance service is designed to...

Meli Villa Success Story: Bu Meli’s Property Management Experience

Meli Villa, located in Bali, showcases the success of effective property management. I am Utami, a marketing intern at Bukit Vista, and I am delighted to share the villa success story of our partnership with Bu Meli, the owner of Meli Villa. During a recent interview with her, I gained valuable insights into her journey and experiences. This article highlights the transformational impact of partnering...

A Guide to Current Bali Property Market (2024)

 We at Bukit Vista - have been managing properties in Bali for 100+ property owners with 10+ years of experience and have  gathered extensive data about the rental property market in Bali. From our findings, the Bali property market has undergone significant changes since 2019, with various factors influencing its growth and development. Bukit Vista collects hundreds of property database As you...

10 Must-Do Activities in Canggu, Bali: A Guide for Every Traveler

Greetings! I am Furqon, a dedicated and results-driven PR specialist passionate about crafting compelling narratives and building solid relationships. Here, I would like to share 10 things to do in Canggu!Nestled on the coast of Bali, Canggu is a vibrant blend of traditional Balinese culture and modern tourist attractions. Known for its world-class surf breaks, stunning sunsets, and lively food and...

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