Here’s 5 Strategy How Pondok Lulik Guesthouse Bali Increasing Income During Pandemic

img | April 16, 2022
Pondok Lulik Guesthouse Bali come up with several strategies to overcome the crisis of pandemic. Photo by Bukit Vista
Pondok Lulik Guesthouse Bali come up with several strategies to overcome the crisis of pandemic. Photo by Bukit Vista
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic that struck Indonesia in 2020, Bali’s tourism industry suffered greatly. Despite the pandemic, Pondok Lulik Guest House Bali in Canggu and Seseh was able to maintain and even increase its occupancy.
Based on the data of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy’s 2021 Tourism Trends Book, there were only 4,052 million foreign tourists in Indonesia in the year of 2016. It’s not even close to half the number of tourists expected to visit Indonesia in 2019.
Pondok Lulik Guest House in Canggu and Seseh, Bali, has seen its occupancy drop precipitously as a result of the downturn in Indonesian tourism. Mbok Yuli, the owner of the guest house in Canggu and Seseh, admitted that the pandemic made it difficult to manage and increase her occupancy. She used these strategies to survived quickly and increase occupancy during the pandemic. 

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Implement The Best Pricing Strategy

No reservations were taken at Mbok Yuli in the early stages of the pandemic. Mbok Yuli’s income was completely wiped out by a decrease in tourists to Bali and the addition of airport travel restrictions.
At first Pondok Lulik Guest House in Canggu and Seseh never lowered the price per room. Mbok Yuli also had a hard time attracting guests and having financial issues during the pandemic. Even the maintenance of her guest house necessitated an additional expense on her part. The monthly maintenance costs for Mbok Yuli’s property must be covered by at least 10 guests per month.
A pricing strategy was developed by Mbok Yuli, on the other hand, to keep the business alive and compete with other accommodations in the market. Despite the pandemic, Pondok Lulik Guesthouse in Canggu and Seseh was able to maintain a steady flow of guests and always booked thanks to a clever pricing strategy. 

Bukit Vista’s team helped Mbok Yuli determine the strategic price. Bukit Vista’s real-time market data analysis can help Pondok Lulik Guesthouse. According to Mbok Yuli’s experience so far, the strategy has proven to be a success.

Don’t Treat The Guest Like A Guest

Mbok Yuli, the owner of Pondok Lulik Guest House in Canggu and Seseh, always treats her guests as if they were members of her family. During their stay at Pondok Lulik Guesthouse in Canggu or Seseh, she always puts the needs of her guests first.
It’s critical to ensure that guests have a positive experience while they’re there. The reviews and reputation of the Pondok Lulik Guest House in Canggu and Seseh will be directly impacted by ther. As a result, Mbok Yuli treats her guests as if they were members of her family.
For Mbok Yuli, it’s one of the ways she keeps guests coming back. When Mbok Yuli treats her guests as if they were her own family, she believes that they will return to her guest house or recommend it to their family and friends.

Always Serve The Best Quality of Guest-services

Maintaining the guest experience is critical, as we discussed in the previous point. Providing the best experience surely need a high standard of customer service
Before and after the pandemic, Mbok Yuli has always taken care of her guest house the same way. Mbok Yuli always provides a clean room, quick response, full amenities, good WIFI connection and staff that is always ready to help a guest. Mbok Yuli, on the other hand, never hesitates to improve her guests’ experience. She always give some snacks or drinks to the guests. Occasionally, she will offer her guests a bicycle for free, while their stay. 

Opening Opportunities by Providing Facilities According to Guest Needs

People started using a new system at work during the pandemic, notably Work From Home (WFH). WFH gives people the ability to work from any location. WFH is implemented by 91.7 percent of companies in Indonesia, according to the World Economic Forum’s latest survey.
Mbok Yuli began to provide a workstation for her guests after noticing their significant WFH trend. Since the pandemic, Pondok Lulik Guesthouse has seen an increase in the number of long-term guests who are doing WFH. Having these amenities available is very helpful to guests. Pondok Lulik Guesthouse’s guests will be happier and more satisfied as a result.

Good Teamwork and Partnership

Due to its well-trained staff and open lines of communication, Pondok Lulik Guesthouse was able to overcome the crisis during the pandemic. Work issues are always handled in a cooperative and open manner by Mbok Yuli’s staff.
She was able to run a successful guest house business for four years with the help of Bukit Vista, not just from her own employees. When something goes wrong at work, Bukit Vista’ team is always there to help to maintain her guest’s experiences. 
Mbok Yuli is equally excited about the BV Go App. This app allows Mbok Yuli to see bookings that have been made and those that have been received in real time. The presence of such a technological bane greatly assists Mbok Yuli’s professional growth. 


Despite the significant impact of the pandemic, it is not impossible for the tourism industry to bounce back. From the case of Pondok Lulik Guesthouse in Canggu and Seseh, we can see that with a well-designed strategy, businesses can run again and income comes in.
In maintaining the hospitality business in the midst of a crisis, it is important for us to maintain our property no matter what because it is the main asset of our business. While maintaining the quality of guest service, receiving guests like family and daring to set competitive prices according to the market is supporting the quality of our guesthouse. 
Having a partnership with a professional team is also an important strategy in the success of Pondok Lulik Guesthouse to rise up as quickly as possible in a crisis situation. Learn about Bukit Vista services HERE and tell us how we can help you to achieve your business goals at any time. 

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