Our All Hands Meeting

A place where everyone in the company meet and share their stories, achievements, lesson, and weekly inspiration. 

Sharing Our Weekly Inspirational Stories

From technological innovations, transformative employee experience, and inspiring stories with our partners and guests.

Sharing The Vision & Mission of The Company

Recognizing works that inspires the company’s vision and mission and the direction of the company goals and  focus

Inspired by Our Inspirational Speakers

We invite innovators and inspiring speakers worldwide to speak about their inspirational journey with us every Tuesday morning

The Future of Work Takeaways from Lavinia Iosub’s Visionary Session on Bukit Vista

I am Dea, part of the Public Relations team and an engaged member of our vibrant employee squad, I...
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Multicultural Education and Mental Health with Solenn Daudu: Insights from All Hands

In our relentless pursuit of growth and innovation, the All Hands: Weekly Inspirational Speaker...
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Dr. Jing Luan: An Insightful Education on All Hands Session

Hi there! I'm Dea, handling Public Relations at Bukit Vista, and I'm part of an incredible team...
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The Future of Innovation: Insights from Denny Wijayanto at Bukit Vista’s All Hands Event

At Bukit Vista, we continuously seek opportunities for growth and learning. The recent All Hands...
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Innovating the Future: Michael Full’s Digital Transformation Journey

Hello, I'm Dea Novita, part of the passionate PR team at Bukit Vista. It's with great excitement...
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Optimizing Your Rental Property with Smart Energy: Insights from Bukit Vista’s All Hands Session

In an age where smart energy is not just a buzzword but a business imperative, Bukit Vista is...
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Joris Kolijn Insights: Navigating the Legal and Financial Landscape of Bali’s Property Market

Greetings from Bali! I'm Dea Novita, part of the PR team at Bukit Vista, and it's my pleasure to...
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Insights and Inspirations from Pak Made Arnata, The Owner of NoHama

Hello! My name is Dea Novita, a PR intern at Bukit Vista, and I am excited to share the enriching...
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