Bali Event Spread out Technique (BEST): An Innovative Approach to Boost Web Traffic and Guest Bookings

img Jey Bukitvista | October 19, 2023

Hello, I’m Jey, currently interning with the Human Resource team at Bukit Vista. You might have come across my previous blog posts and articles, where I’ve shared insights about our company culture and stories from our dedicated employees. Today, I’m excited to share with you the stories of innovative discovery from our employees here in Bukit Vista.

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In the bustling tourism industry of Bali, attracting guests and driving web traffic are crucial for any hospitality business like Bukit Vista. To address these challenges, a new and innovative approach called Bali Event Spread out Technique (BEST) has emerged. By implementing this technique, we can achieve two primary goals: enticing existing guests to book properties near the event location and increasing traffic on the Bukit Vista website, particularly on the Bali Event Calendar.

The Bali Event Spread out Technique (BEST) serves two key objectives. Firstly, it encourages existing guests to book properties near event locations. By emphasizing the proximity of events and offering enticing accommodation options, businesses can provide a seamless and convenient experience for their guests, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the event while enjoying the comfort and convenience of nearby accommodations.

Secondly, BEST aims to boost web traffic on the Bukit Vista website. Through the curation of a comprehensive Bali Event Calendar, businesses position themselves as the ultimate source for event information in Bali, enhancing brand visibility. Simultaneously, this resource serves as a valuable tool for visitors seeking event-related information, leading to a significant increase in traffic to the Bukit Vista website. This uptick in traffic not only enhances brand exposure but also opens the door to potential business growth.

Understanding Bali Event Spread out Technique (BEST)

The Bali Event Spread out Technique (BEST) was developed by Krisna Aji, a Guest Operational Assistant Hypervisor, in collaboration with Gunung Ghania, the VP of Marketing at Bukit Vista. This technique leverages the power of event marketing to drive guest bookings and boost web traffic. It involves showcasing upcoming events in Bali to create a sense of excitement and urgency among potential guests. BEST aims to create a sense of urgency and FOMO (fear of missing out) among guests by showcasing the nearest events in Bali.

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Bali Event Calendar Website Page Traffic

The Power of FOMO

FOMO, or fear of missing out, is a psychological phenomenon that drives people to take action out of the fear of being left out. By displaying the nearest events in Bali, we using the BEST approach can tap into this powerful emotion and motivate guests to make immediate bookings. The sense of exclusivity and limited availability associated with these events compels potential guests to act swiftly, ensuring a higher conversion rate.

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Messages Tailored to Our Guests

Implementing the Bali Event Spread out Technique (BEST)

Implementing the Bali Event Spread out Technique (BEST) requires careful planning and execution. Here are some key steps to follow:

  1. Research and Identify Events: Conduct thorough research to identify upcoming events in Bali. Consider a wide range of events, including cultural festivals, music concerts, sports tournaments, and more. This will ensure a diverse and appealing event calendar for potential guests.
  2. Curate an Event Calendar: Create a dedicated Bali Event Calendar on your website, showcasing the upcoming events. Organize the calendar by date, location, and event type to provide a user-friendly browsing experience. Include event descriptions, dates, venues, and any other relevant information to pique the interest of potential guests.
  3. Highlight Proximity: Emphasize the proximity of each event to your properties. Showcase nearby accommodations and highlight the convenience of staying in close proximity to the event venue. This will entice guests who want to fully immerse themselves in the event experience without compromising on comfort and convenience.
  4. Collaborate with Event Organizers: Establish partnerships with event organizers to cross-promote each other’s offerings. This collaborative approach not only expands your reach but also enhances the credibility and authenticity of your event calendar. Mutual promotion can significantly boost the success of the Bali Event Spread out Technique (BEST).

Benefits of Bali Event Spread out Technique (BEST)

Implementing the Bali Event Spread out Technique (BEST) offers several benefits for businesses in the hospitality industry:

  1. Increased Bookings: By creating a sense of urgency and FOMO among guests, BEST drives a higher number of bookings. The strategic positioning of accommodations near event locations makes it convenient for guests, further enhancing the likelihood of bookings.
  2. Enhanced Web Traffic: The comprehensive Bali Event Calendar attracts a significant amount of web traffic to the Bukit Vista website. This increased visibility and engagement can lead to improved search engine rankings and organic traffic growth.
  3. Brand Exposure: By positioning your business as a reliable source of event information in Bali, you enhance brand exposure and credibility. This exposure can lead to increased brand recognition and customer loyalty.
  4. Partnership Opportunities: Collaboration with event organizers opens doors for partnership opportunities. These partnerships can result in mutually beneficial promotions and cross-promotion of offerings, further expanding your reach and customer base.
  5. Competitive Advantage: Implementing the Bali Event Spread out Technique (BEST) sets your business apart from competitors. By offering a unique and value-added experience to guests, you establish a competitive advantage in the market.


The Bali Event Spread out Technique (BEST) is a powerful approach that combines event marketing and strategic positioning to boost guest bookings and web traffic. By leveraging the fear of missing out (FOMO) and showcasing the nearest events in Bali, businesses can create a sense of urgency and excitement among potential guests. Implementing BEST requires careful planning, curating a comprehensive event calendar, highlighting proximity, creating special packages, and leveraging social media platforms. The benefits of adopting BEST include increased bookings, enhanced web traffic, improved brand exposure, partnership opportunities, and a competitive advantage in the market. We embrace the Bali Event Spread out Technique (BEST) to take our way to new heights in Bali’s thriving hospitality industry.

At Bukit Vista, innovation is at the heart of what we do. BEST is just one example of the pioneering tools we’ve developed to propel us to new heights. If you’re interested in exploring more of our innovative solutions, visit us here. Thank you for being a part of our journey to excellence!

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