Experiment Documentation

img Yosefine BukitVista | September 13, 2023

Written by Alif Fadli, Business Analyst Intern back in 2021.

Reporting For experiment / research that is being carried out

(done when we conduct an experiment to solve a problem):

Example : Ongoing research project, Reporting for scrum.

1.  Background:

Before making a report I usually include the background of this report to provide clarity to my audience

    Example :


2.  Observation:

From doing this observation, I know what parameters to focus on to make my analysis easier later.

    Example :


3.  Hypothesis:

in this section I will include all the hypotheses that I have, I will write down all possible answers to the problems that I found at the observation stage.

    Example  :


4.  Solution:

then I will end my report with a solution of the hypothesis I have, the solution listed must be an executable solution.



5.  More questions:

I believe that nothing is perfect, so everything I have done must still have weaknesses. I usually ask a new question on the weakness in order to get a new solution.

     Example :  


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