Now You Can Get Loan for Foreigners in Indonesia

img Dea BukitVista | January 28, 2024

Indonesia’s property market, known for its vibrant culture and appealing investment opportunities, is attracting global attention. However, the journey to securing financial backing for these investments can be complex for foreigners. I’m Dea Novita from the PR team at Bukit Vista, and in this comprehensive guide, we delve into how to get loan for foreigners in Indonesia, enriched by insights from industry experts from SSK Consultancy, Joris Kolijn, and critical information about bank policies and government regulations.

Understanding the Indonesian Financial Landscape for Foreign Investors

Stringent Requirements for Get Loan for Foreigners in Indonesia

Non-Indonesian citizens face rigorous prerequisites to secure loans. A key requirement is holding a valid residence permit, either a KITAS (Temporary Stay Permit Card) or KITAP (Permanent Stay Permit Card). These permits are essential for foreigners to even be considered for loan applications by Indonesian banks.

Varying Bank Policies and Ever-Changing Regulations

Not all banks in Indonesia offer loan services to non-citizens, and those that do, have diverse and evolving criteria. These requirements can change in line with the regulations imposed by the Indonesian government, making it crucial for investors to stay updated and seek expert legal and financial advice.

List of Bank in Indonesia
List of Banks in Indonesia (Source:

Exploring Bank Options for Foreign Loans

Commonwealth Bank

Commonwealth Bank caters specifically to expatriates and foreigners. To qualify for a loan, foreign applicants must be employed in Indonesia’s private sector for at least two years, ensuring a certain level of job stability and financial reliability which the bank considers essential.

Permata Bank

Permata Bank offers specialized loan programs for foreign employees and entrepreneurs. Employee applicants are required to have a minimum of two years of work experience in Indonesia with a minimum monthly income of 25 million IDR (approximately USD 1,500). Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, must demonstrate at least four years of experience in their respective business fields.

Loan for Foreigners in Indonesia
Commonwealth Bank and Permata Bank

Essential Documentation for Foreigners Loan Applications

When applying for a loan through Permata Bank, the following documents are indispensable:

  1. A copy of the KITAS or stay permit.
  2. A copy of the passport.
  3. Copies of the last three months’ saving account statements.

These documents are vital to establish legal residence, identity, and financial stability.

The Challenges and Opportunities: Insights from Joris Kolijn

Joris Kolijn sheds light on the complexities of securing loans in Indonesia for foreigners. He acknowledges that while it’s possible, the process is fraught with challenges due to unclear regulations and typically shorter loan terms compared to European standards. In Indonesia, property loans usually span 10 to 15 years, and banks often do not accept leasehold properties as collateral.

Kolijn notes that collaboration with local entities might facilitate the loan acquisition process for specific projects, particularly in property development. However, he stresses the importance of having collateral, usually in the form of land titles under the right type, such as Hak Guna Bangunan (Building Rights Title).

Loan for Foreigners in Indonesia
Joris Kolijn's Explanation on All Hands Session

Extended Insights on Indonesian Property Loans

The Role of Collateral in Loan Applications

The necessity of collateral cannot be overstated. Banks in Indonesia typically require solid collateral, usually in the form of a land title. This requirement poses a significant hurdle for foreigners who may not possess property in Indonesia.

Legal and Tax Considerations

Legal compliance and understanding of tax regulations are critical. Investors must ensure they are in line with Indonesian law, which includes having a legal entity in the country, being up-to-date with tax obligations, and understanding employment regulations.

The Importance of Local Partnerships

Establishing partnerships with local entities can be a game-changer. These partnerships can help navigate the complexities of the Indonesian legal and financial landscape, providing valuable insights and facilitating smoother transactions.


For foreigners looking to invest in Indonesia’s property market, understanding specific requirements and exploring available banking options are key. Bukit Vista, with its extensive knowledge of the local property market and regulatory framework, is equipped to provide invaluable assistance in this complex process. Our team of experts is ready to guide you through each step of your investment journey, ensuring a more informed and smoother experience.

Contact Bukit Vista today for personalized advice and support in your property investment endeavors in Indonesia. Let us help you navigate the intricacies of loan acquisition and make your investment dream a reality.

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